Signs of sun damage and premature aging are erased with the help of our ScanLite Laser Treatments. This new laser procedure can reduce sun-induced damage, creates even pigmentation, remove vascular and pigmented lesions, decrease redness from rosacea, and give skin a more youthful appearance. Visit www.prestonlaserclinic. com for complete details. Recommended in a series for best results.
ScanLite Laser Facial Treatment
Quick, effective and gentle laser treatment to reduce signs of skin damage from aging and sun exposure.
What is a ScanLite™ Laser Facial?
A laser facial is a gentle procedure that uses the handheld ScanLite scanner with an IRIDEX laser system to improve the overall appearance of skin. This new laser procedure can reduce sun-induced damage, even out pigmentation, remove vascular and pigmented lesions (see Clinical Terminology), decrease redness from rosacea, and give skin a more youthful appearance. Laser facial treatments can be performed on the face, neck, chest and hands.
How does laser facial treatment work?
Targeted laser energy is applied to the treatment area where it is absorbed in the form of heat by abnormal vessels, lesions or damaged cells. The energy stimulates the natural collagen and the body begins its natural healing process. Healthy collagen softens the appearance of aging skin and minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
What treatments can be done with the ScanLite?
The ScanLite is designed to enhance the capabilities of the IRIDEX VariLite™ and DioLite™ laser systems. In addition to performing laser facial treatments, it can be used to rapidly and uniformly treat large area vascular and pigmented lesions. The ScanLite offers a variety of pattern shapes, sizes and densities to ensure laser energy is selectively delivered only to the target treatment site.
What should a patient expect during treatment?
Treatment may vary depending upon patient characteristics and the area being treated. An individual treatment program will be developed by your physician. Treatment sessions typically take 15–30 minutes
and multiple sessions may be required. Patients are advised to remove make-up in the treatment area and to avoid tanning prior to scheduling a treatment. You will be placed in a reclined position and asked to wear special goggles to protect your eyes from the laser beam. A handheld scanner will be used to direct the laser in a predetermined pattern to the treatment area. The scanner is moved across the treatment area with selective spacing to maximize the clinical effect and minimize any damage to healthy tissue. Patients typically feel a slight stinging sensation during treatment; therefore, a gel or a cooling system may be used to help alleviate any discomfort.
What should a patient expect after treatment?
Some redness may occur in the treatment area immediately following treatment; however, it should subside within several hours. Some swelling may also be experienced and will go away in 1–2 days. Patients should not experience any purple skin discoloration, bruised appearance to the treated skin, or blistering as may be seen with older technologies. Postoperative care is minimal. Your doctor may ask you to use an anti-bacterial ointment on the treated area for a short period of time and will suggest that you stay out of the sun during the healing process.
How long will it take for me to see results?
After your first treatment, your skin should have a more even tone with a smoother look and feel. Fine lines and wrinkles may gradually decrease, sunspots should fade and redness associated with rosacea will be reduced. Treatment results should be evident 14 days.
How will I know if laser treatment is right for me?
Ask your doctor. After a brief examination, your doctor can determine if laser treatment is appropriate for you.
Do I need to schedule an appointment?
Since treatment only takes a few minutes, your physician may be able to perform the procedure today. Your doctor will determine a specific treatment plan for you depending on your individual skin and goals. Ask your doctor for details.
Clinical Terminology
What is a vascular lesion?
A vascular lesion is formed by abnormally large or numerous blood vessels located directly under the surface of the skin. These vessels are visible through the skin resulting in a red appearance.
Vascular lesions:
Facial Telangiectasia (surface veins caused by a dilation of capillary vessels or arterioles)
Cherry Angiomas (slightly raised, red lesions)
Spider Angiomas (slightly raised, red spiderlike lesions)
Scar Neovascularization (redness that may appear around a scar)
Rosacea (red facial lesions around the nose and cheeks causing a sunburn look)
Spider Veins (small, superficial purple or red veins stretching like a web under the skin, often appearing on legs)
What is a pigmented lesion?
Melanin is the dark pigment present in skin and is produced by melanocytes. Pigmented lesions occur when an abundance of melanocytes are found in the skin. When dark pigment multiplies, it forms freckles, brown age spots and moles.
Pigmented lesions:
Lentigines (flat, brown spots on the skin: present on skin with frequent sun exposure)
Freckles (brownish spots on the skin; common on people with fair skin
Dermatosis Papulosis Nigra (small, black marks seen primarily on people of Asian or African descent)